Welcome to the
Beautifying Bellevue
About the Garden Club
The Bellevue Garden Club is dedicated to beatifying Bellevue, Nebraska through education and community service.
General Meetings
Meetings are held at 7:00 PM on the first Tuesday of every month. No meeting in January.
Check back often for special events and locations as the club actively visits local gardening locations.
Monthly meeting place is the Bellevue Volunteer Firefighter Hall, 2108 Franklin Street in Old Town Bellevue.
Annual membership is $10 per person or $15 per couple. Membership is open to all!
Reminder: Membership dues are due at the April meeting. New members are welcome anytime!
2025 Events
Tuesday, April 1, 4:00 PM: Plan a visit to the Bellevue University Sustainability Lab and Green House! Scott Pinkerton will host the Club. Parking: the two lots near the Student Center would work the best. We will meet inside the main entrance of the Dennis Learning Center.
Friday, April 25, time to be announced: Arbor Day Event with Canvas Salon of Bellevue. More information to follow.
Tuesday, May 6, 7:00 PM: Meet us at the Bellevue Log Cabin for Spring Cleanup. Bring your gloves and gardening tools!
Tuesday, June 3, 7:00 PM: TBD.
Tuesday, July 8, 7:00 PM: TBD.
Tuesday, August 12: Annual Potluck Dinner with Papillion Garden Club at Bellevue University, John Muller Administration Building. This is a members-only event. Members please bring a side dish or dessert to share and a raffle item. The Club will purchase chicken and bottled water. Check back for updates.
Tuesday, September 2, 7:00 PM: TBD.
Tuesday, October 7, 7:00 PM: TBD.
Tuesday, November 4, 7:00 PM: TBD.
NOTE: No meetings in December, January, February and March. Happy Holidays! See you in April!
2025 meeting dates are April1, May 6, June 3, July 8, August 12 (annual potluck),
September 2, October 7 and November 4.
The Bellevue Log Cabin
Thank you to all who participated in restoring the landscaping around the Historical Cabin in Bellevue. For more information about the cabin, go to https://sarpycountymuseum.org/2016/09/the-bellevue-log-cabin/ Club members met on October 1 for a fall cleanup project. Thanks to the members who attended and helped!

Member lily gardens and Hillsdale Lily Garden in Glenwood, Iowa